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SEN Offer

At Trinity, we believe that all children should succeed. With this in mind, we ensure that our curriculum is inclusive, allowing every child to make progress and achieve their targets.

For children who find learning difficult, we offer a wide range of interventions, resources and tools to support them both in class and at home.

We have also created a unique space for our SEN pupils support - the serenity room to be used for emotional regulation and sensory stimulation during social space times and morning interventions. 


The serenity room will be used to support pupils with emotional regulation and sensory stimulation during social space times and morning interventions.


Research shows that students with better self-regulation skills have higher academic achievement, are more likely to get along with others, and are better able to build and maintain strong relationships. A sensory room can also provide: - Create a safe space with tools students can use to self regulate and manage anger, over-stimulation and stress. -Provide a comfortable space for students to relax in to help them interact with others. - Provide a safe 'crisis and de-escalation' area.


"  Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits. Harvard Health Publishing , "


SEND Provision Map 2024 -2025


 This is good quality, inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all pupils in the classroom. This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment. Discover our SEN provision Map


Throughout the school day we run high quality interventions that are designed to ‘close the gap’ and give children the extra support they may require. These are run by our Inclusion Team, Teaching Assistants and Class Teachers.


Outside Agencies 

Along with the interventions and support offered by the school, we also liaise with external agencies to advise and support both the children and staff during the school day. We use the advice given by Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and have our own Play and Drama Therapist who works with children on a weekly basis. These professionals offer recommendations on how best to support the child in school and offer CPD to our staff to ensure we are consistently offering the best practise possible.


Should you have any question please revert to our SEND policy (click here for policies) or feel free to contact our SENCO Clare Shobbrook (secondary phase).