House Structure
The house system is used in the day to day running of school life and is designed to encourage pupils become involved in school life; sharing a common goal with children in different age groups whilst offering an additional system of support and development through rewarding positive behaviour. Our House system gives us the benefit of smaller communities within our wider Trinity family, providing a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition. It develops students’ social, team-working, and organisational skills. The House system is built around our ethos – LEARNING – LOVING – LIVING and our vision, “living life in all its fullness (John 10:10) and it provides the opportunity for pupils to live life in all its fullness’
At the secondary site, all staff and pupils are assigned to a house. Our houses are led by staff members and are supported by our house captains and deputies. Our House structure lays the firmest foundation for the success of our pupils by building confidence and resilience throughout their journey here at Trinity. It will encourage and inspire our pupils to build on these excellent foundations, while demonstrating and celebrating core Christian values of courage, resilience, perseverance, hope, community, and compassion. As a school we believe that it will encourage our children to play even more active and positive roles in the life of the school, to enjoy their learning, and to be justifiably proud of their achievements. At the end of their time Trinity, our pupils leave as mature young adults who seek challenges and aim high.
House Captains
At the beginning of the academic year meetings are held to elect House Captains. We will have one captain and deputy per year group. The job of the House Captains is to take responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house in their year group throughout the forthcoming academic year.
- Gabriel
- Michael
- Raphael
- Zadkiel
The house names represent four archangels.
Zadkiel ‘’Righteousness of God’ the archangel of freedom, benevolence and mercy and the Patron Angel of all who forgive. |
Gabriel ‘’God is my strength’’ the archangel who serves as a messenger for God.
Michael ‘’One who is like God’’– head of the archangels. |
Raphael ‘The angel of the spirits of men’’ and it is his business to ‘’heal the earth’’. |
House Competitions
To promote healthy competition through the school, the Houses compete through the House Point system and sporting activities. House competitions take place throughout the year; all competitions give the students the opportunity to win house points. House points are added together and the house with the most points at the end of the year wins the overall house competition. Students quickly form an allegiance to their house and a sense of fun and friendly competition pervades all the house events. The ultimate challenge in the House calendar is School Sports Day where pupils take part in a range of sporting events to gain points for their House.
Examples of house competitions could be: (but not an exhaustive list)
- Drama
- Sports Day
- Quizzes
- Debating
- Masterchef
- Young writers
- Sport and Fitness challenges
- Subject challenges (English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Creative, Music, Drama and PE)
- Christmas card design competitions
- Flag design competitions
- Charity – fundraising competitions
2020-2021 Trinity Events:
- Show Racism the Red Card Charity competition. Raising £472.49 for local charities
- Big Battery Hunt – November 2020
- Christmas Jumper Day. Raising £172.88 for international charities
- Online Remote Challenges – January-March 2021
- Trinity House Day – Raising £406.66 for local charities
- Greenwich Park Day – July 2021