At Trinity the Drama department aims to;
- Engage, inspire and enrich all drama Trinitarians,
- Excite the imagination and encourage pupils to reach their creative and expressive potential.
- Allow pupils to imagine and participate in exploration of their worlds, individually and collaboratively.
- Enable pupils to become confident learners and engage in new activities.
- Enable pupils to access a variety of styles of theatre both in and out of school.
Drama at Trinity
Drama Curriculum
The Key Stage 3 drama curriculum is designed to prepare students for G.C.S.E. Drama from the outset. In the Michaelmas Term Year 7 and Year 8 focus on their devising skills. These skills are taught through skills workshops. Year 7 students focus on Drama building skills such as Improvisation, Mime, Still Images, Flashbacks, Slow Motion, Thought Tracking, Role Play, Ball of Wax and Angels & Devils. Year 8 students focus on more specific drama genres such as Physical Theatre and Theatre in Education. In the Lent term, Year 7 and Year 8 Drama students are given the opportunity to perform a play that has previously been scripted. The plays used are all samples of the plays that students can perform at GCSE. This gives them an understanding of the types of plays that they can fully realise in GCSE drama. In the Trinity Term, Year 7 and Year 8 students study a set text which is a play that has been published. They are given the opportunity to explore technical aspects of performance such as lighting, staging, sound and costume. By the end of KS3, all trinity Drama pupils have experienced a vast range of performance styles that reflect their identity and allow them to explore others.
In Key Stage 4 Drama pupils develop a deeper understanding of the role of an actor, director and designer. They have the opportunity to create their own original work using costume, lighting and sound and staging. They also perform plays that have been written by other people. They are given opportunities to go to the theatre to watch live performances. They justify and evaluate their own performance choices and those of professional theatre productions, and they develop their critical thinking skills. They are assessed through practical tasks, project portfolio and written exam. Pupils who study GCSE Drama find that it helps them to build confidence, team work and communication skills. Is it your time to shine as a Trinity Drama Pupil?
Components of GCSE Drama
Component One:Understanding Drama (40%) |
Component Two:Devising Drama (40%) |
Component Three:Texts in Practice (20%) |
This component takes you to the theatre and asks you to think about how the acting, lighting, music, sound, set design, costumes and make up create meaning and enjoyment for an audience. It also introduces you to the different roles in the theatre, different ways of staging theatre and different styles of performance. It is assessed by a final, written exam. |
This component (which is internally assessed by your teacher and externally moderated) allows you to devise a piece of theatre which you will then perform in front of an audience. You will also, all the way during the process, keep a logbook mapping, analysing and evaluating the journey. You will do this in Year Ten and therefore will have 40% of your GCSE completed and in the bag by the end of Year Ten. |
This component enables you to rehearse and perform monologues, duologues and scenes from published plays. You will do these in front of an examiner from AQA and an invited audience of parents, teachers and peers. |
Curriculum Overview