GCSE Class of 2022

Last week we welcomed back the Class of 2022 to collect their official GCSE certificates and bring us all up-to-date with their news since moving onto their Post-16 places of study.
It was fantastic to see everyone again and hear about their successes since results day in August, how they are settling in, making new friends, finding their feet and most of all – missing Trinity!
Good luck and love to all of them, they are the cohort that puts Trinity proudly at the top of the Progress 8 (the government’s benchmark performance measure for school standards) league table of secondary schools in Lewisham, and we couldn’t be prouder of them, their academic achievements and the wonderful young people they are.
Mr Tarca their ex-Head of Year congratulated them and thanked them for their hard work and dedication to their studies . We look forward to hearing all about their next steps.